Rv. Smt.Shri.Shivalingavva Akka
Direct disciple of H.H.Bhausaheb Maharaj Umdikar (1867 AD – 1930 AD)

Smt. Shivalingavva Akka was a great lady mystic from the village of Jat. Gurudev Ranade says “She was prominent and advanced disciple of the saint of Umdi (Viz. Bhausaheb Maharaj) in the prime of her youth, she lost her son and took to her spiritual practices with great zeal, as a result of devotion, she had the mystical experiences of different types. Her life was mystic and she could attain the God – realization. She had fulfilled the purpose of human life, she became great saint like the sister of Jnana deva (Saint Jnaneshwar) ie. Muktabai or the saint Mirabai. She suffered a lot in the worldly matters but her faith in God and Sadguru was unshaken. With the stood – fast devotion and meditation, she blessed many disciples by initiating them with “Nam mantra”.