A Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy


A Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy


A Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy

The Upanishads occupy a unique place in the development of Indian thought. They contain the roots of all systems of philosophy rising one upon another like the crests of the Himalayas, culminating in a view of the Absolute Reality. Western philosophers in the past, and even some Indian philosophers at present, have realised this only in part. The former have at times acknowledged the indebtedness of certain particular systems of philosophical thought to the Upanishads. But there has been a sad lack of appreciation of the fact that the entire gamut of philosophical thought has sprung from the seeds of the Upanishadic literature. One purpose of this book is to bring home to all who are interested in the study of philosophy, whatever the particular system thereof to which they apply their minds, this totality of content which is the glory of the Upanishads.

Another purpose is to remove the wrong impressions about the Upanishadic teachings on philosophy which have been created by a partail and defective study of them by some Western scholars. or example, Lord Ronaldshay, fixing attention on a passage of the Upanishads, says that pessimism infects the whole physical and intellectual life of India and that Indian philosophy has never painted a positive picture of bliss. How far from reality this statement is can be judged easily by an earnest study of the Upanishads from the correct angle. And this book provides that angle.

The third purpose, to which the first two naturally lead, is the spiritual realisation by the reader of the beatific vision which is vouchsafed by an enquiry in the field of mysticism. The Upanishads generate a new emotion in the heart and present a new light before the reader’s eyes.
Life is transformed from the mundane to the spiritual. This book describes the processes of this transformation.


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