Ranade – A Modern Mystic



We are delighted in bringing out this reprint of Prof S.R. Sharma’s “Ranade. A Modern Mystic”, English translation of Prof. S.G. Tulpule’s “Prof. R.D Ranade: Life and Philosophy” written in Marathi

The biographical account highlights rationale behind Shri Gurudev Ranade being considered as a Mystic- Saint, a Rational Thinker and a Philosopher par excellence. Prof Ranade had been a rare combination of rich spiritual accomplishments and a simple, amiable personality. He was a role model and a beacon of light for thousands of his disciples/followers floundering in the darkness of ignorance His marvelous spiritual and philosophical works will remain testimony and will keep guiding millions in future. The world will remain indebted to Prof Ranade for ‘A Constructive Survey of the Upanishadic Philosophy and “The Bhagwad-Gita as a Philosophy of God-realization.

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